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United Campus Workers of Utah is excited to build a broad coalition of workers at the University of Utah and Utah State University. We want workers across our campuses to understand our rights, the role that organizing can play in addressing working conditions and workplace concerns, and to empower all workers to participate in our union. This page contains some basic information about unions and organizing on our campuses as well as examples of successes from similar campus unions. Check out the FAQ page for additional information! 

Know Your Rights!

The First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees the freedom of speech, assembly,  petition, and also guarantees freedom of association. The freedom of association encompasses the right of the group to take collective action to pursue the interests of its members. For this obvious reason, the constitutionally protected freedom of association includes unionization and union-related activities.

U of U HR Official Neutrality‌ Policy 

Read the University of Utah policy on union membership. "Every employee is recognized to have the right to join, or to refuse to join, an employee organization. For the purpose of this policy, 'employee organization' includes a labor union or association."

Other UCW Wins

Graduate Student Wins

  • UT Knoxville won minimum graduate stipend increases for grad students, increasing minimums by ~2k/yr for 9-month graduate employees and by ~4k/yr for 12-month graduate employees. (article)

  • UCW Georgia wins the elimination of a $450 student fee

  • UCW UVA student uses union structure to win reinstatement of dissertation committee chair (article)

  • UCW Virginia wins graduate raises in numerous departments (reference)

  • UCW Louisiana win the elimination of student fees through legislative change at the state level (article)

  • UCW Colorado win fee waivers for graduate workers at CU Boulder and CSU


Faculty Wins

  • UT Knoxville non-tenure track faculty win base pay raise up to $9k

  • UCW Virginia wins $100/credit hour raise for VCU adjuncts


Staff/Facilities Wins

  • UCW Tennessee wins fight against state effort to outsource facilities jobs (article)

  • UCW Virginia wins salary increase to 90% market rate for VCU advising staff, increasing the incoming advisor salary from $40,000/yr to $51,000/yr

  • UCW Tennessee wins $6000 base pay raises for academic advisors


Campus-Wide Wins

  • University of Kentucky wins $15/hr minimum wage for all campus workers (article)

  • UCW at the University of Southern Mississippi wins increase in minimum wage (article)

  • UCW Colorado win annual raises for faculty, staff, and grad workers at all campuses and a $15 minimum wage at UCCS

  • UCW Colorado wins at the state legislative level with the passing of the Public Workplace Protection Act, which formally enshrines their right to organize, to engage in concerted action, and to fully participate in the political process while off-duty.