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Our union is our collective, independent voice. We are the workforce of the University of Utah and Utah State University. Through our voice, we address specific issues that we experience on the job. The more members our union has, the stronger our voice will be. 

Sign up now

Sign up via bank transfer (preferred)

Sign up via credit card

How much are dues?

Monthly dues are determined on a salary scale as follows:

  • Below $20k: $10

  • $20k-$35k: $12

  • $35k-$50k: $20

  • $50k-$65k: $25

  • $65k-$80k: $30

  • Above $80k: 1% of monthly salary

The U does not consider cost of living when determining stipend or wage minimums. As a result, many of us make less than the cost of living. We chose to reduce the dues for salaries under 80k based on the cost of living numbers for a single adult with one dependent in Salt Lake City (77k). We are using living wage estimates from the MIT Living Wage Calculator.

What are dues for?

Dues are used to help fund our organizing campaigns, whether that be getting shirts and posters made for rallies, social events with food, etc. Some unions use dues to set up emergency funds that members can access if they have the need; others set up strike funds if striking becomes necessary. We, as a union, get to decide what is important to us to fund. In addition, $5 per member goes to the national union for various structural/logistical tasks, such as hiring the organizers who have helped us with our campaign! In general, dues support the operational expenses of our organization including resources, training, communications, lobbying, and legal services, and more. Dues pay for our organization. The more members we have, the stronger our union.